=== Advisory ===

Play this game in full screen !

It is advised to play this game through the PC version. As it's 3D based and is composed of a lot of 3D components, the Web version can experience some fps drops.

=== Lore ===

You play as Jack, a retired Burger cook who has enough with 'healthy food'. He wants to save the citizens of his city, and in order to do so he's going to...well, shoot them with non-healthy food.

=== Gameplay ===

Move with WASD, jump with Space, aim with right click and, while aiming, shoot with left click. You can spawn a burg'boom with 'X'. Destroy everything and make the best possible score !

=== Credits ===

Development, Level Design and Level Implementation : Yohann Degli Esposti

3D design: Kenney Assets, (dutifully paid) https://www.kenney.nl/assets

Music: Kenny Assets and the HeatleyBros shorturl.at/syGS0

This game was made in a week for the Weekly Game Jam 252. It's, up to now, my most ambitious game done in solo.


FoodHero_PCBuild.zip 93 MB

Install instructions

You can play this game in your browser, even though you might experience fps drops some times.

If you would rather play on PC, download the PC archive and launch the .exe through the provided shortcut.

Development log

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