Hello everyone, and thank you for checking out my game !
This game was made in 26 hours for the no-leak team game jam 2020 !
You will play with Ballie, a little robot that just wants to have fun with you. Will you be able to beat all of its challenges ?

/!\ audio might be a bit loud, feel free to lower your volume before starting the game /!\

Here is a full credit list for the assets :

Audio :

- SFX : free SFX sounds
- 8 Bit Think! - HeatleyBros on Youtube
- 8 Bit Ending ! - HeatleyBros on Youtube
- Option Menu ! - HeatleyBros on Youtube
- The 66th Annual Quiz Off - Super Paper Mario

Graphics :

- Robot Model : robot-sphere by Razzgrizz Demon

- Grid : Simple grid Shader by Revision3

- Hat : Magic Hat 3D model on open3Dmodel.com

Fonts :

- NaughtyMonster


MakeItFunPC.zip 43 MB

Install instructions

For web player : easy, just launch the game.
For Windows PC players : download the zip 'MakeItFunPC', unzip, launch 'MakeItFun.exe' !


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(3 edits)

Dang, this is pretty Fun. I love the music, and it sounds like every level is a boss stage. Music also fits the little robot sphere... (spider?) character. Nice job SRWG.